Promoting attainment of durable skills

Durable Skills

Employers are demanding durable skills, a combination of how you use what you know—skills like critical thinking, communication, and collaboration—as well as character skills like fortitude, growth mindset, and leadership.

The data shows that Durable Skills are required in every industry sector across all geographies, regardless of education level. Prioritizing the development of these skills in our education system is key to preparing students for success in any career path and life.

MBAE is partnering with America Succeeds to promote policies and programs that provide students with opportunities to develop these essential skills.

An analysis of 80 million job postings from 2020–2021 reveals that 7 of the 10 most-requested skills are Durable Skills. And, the top 5 Durable Skills were requested in job postings 4.7 times more often than the top 5 hard skills. In short, Durable Skills are in demand for jobs across the workforce, regardless of educational attainment level, industry sector, or geography.

Learn more about the Durable Skills agenda.